Wednesday 20 May 2015

"Structured Settlement" Keywords Makes $300 On Every Clicks

Recently I've discovered that "structured settlement" related keywords earns a lot from Google Adsense. There are actually blogger that make $300 on every click with this keyword. It is not an often search keyword though, but you can earn a very good earning with this if you've done it well.

You don't have to create a blog with this niche to earn. Instead, if you have a blog, just mention this keyword "Structured Settlement" or "Sell My Structured Settlement" (eg: How to sell my structured settlement/ what is structured settlement) or let's say if you have a travelling blog, you can instead open a topic like (how to sell structured settlement to afford traveling).

How To Buy And Sell Domain Names And Make 1000X Profits?

This truly is the business to get into in 2005. It's a red hot opportunity that can make you anything from $150 to $3000+ a week part time. And this article will walk you step-by-step through the money-making process.

There are a few ways you can make money buying domain names and selling them on for profit. And I mean PROFIT. You'll see why people will be scratching at your door to buy off you in just a moment.

But first let's start with the basics.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Can Forex Make Money? | Dirty Truth About Forex

Recently I’ve read some absolutely terrible advice on more than a few finance blogs. I’m not going to call anyone out specifically, but it seems a lot of bloggers are advocating Forex (foreign exchange) trading to their readers.

These posts often present Forex trading as a simple, low risk, way to create passive income. Excuse my language, but this is bullshit for so many reasons.

These particular blogs aren’t geared towards advanced or even above average investors. Advising novice investors to start dabbling in the Forex markets is just plain reckless advice.

Monday 18 May 2015

Easiest Way To Get Targeted Traffic To Your Website/Blog/Sales Funnel

As we get into this internet business, we all know that targeted visitors are very important wether you're a blogger, running your own website or even doing an affiliate program. It does very important to have targeted visitors which are those who are searching for your product, so the chance for them to purchase/ signup is high, and so we call conversions.

But the thing is.. how are we gonna get this huge bunch of targeted visitors daily to visit our sites/blogs? Now that's the problem.

Friday 15 May 2015

How To Make First $500 Paycheck From Blog?

A friend told me that he would like to build a blog to launch his blogging career and earn income on a monthly basis. It is possible to make money from your blog and you may have read about many that do, but it is important to have realistic expectations. Blogging is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes hard work and is not going to happen overnight. Most sites will fail to earn any income, many will make some pocket change only, and a few might do so well that they can quit their jobs. My recommendation is to keep your day job but start working seriously on your online project in your free time (or in working hours if you can get away with it :-).

If you do make it, blogging allows you to build a career around a topic you are passionate about and have a very flexible lifestyle. You can work from anywhere in the world and you don’t even need to work all the time as your content archives work for you around the clock. So be prepared to work smart and to put in the effort into it as a part-time venture in order to achieve your goals and turn it into a full-time job. Here’s how you can make first $500 from your blog.

How to get 150,000 people to read your blog post in 1 week

  When I started blogging in 2004, I took a good look around at other blogs, calmly chewed a cookie in my dorm room, and then vomited. There were only about 12 big personal-finance blogs back then, and yet even in 2004, I noticed the trend of new bloggers complaining about why they couldn’t get covered by the Big Blogs.

Today, I’m going to share a strategy I’ve used to get regularly featured in The Wall Street Journal and extremely high-traffic blogs like Lifehacker.

You can skip right to the detailed writeup (includes examples & screenshots), but I hope the story below is useful.

This advice can be useful for getting thousands of new readers to your blog, customers to your new startup, or to get your dream freelance job. And you can start using it tomorrow morning.

So, back to the question: Why do some bloggers get the lion’s share of attention, while others toil endlessly to write posts that virtually nobody will ever read?

Adsense Niches That Worth Gold 2015 | Expensive Adsense Keywords

Adsense is the most trusted and High Paying CPC Ad Network used by most bloggers and proffessional sites. Also you dont have to worry about ad content because you will get targeted ads related to your content.Adsense ads displayed are related to your content so its basically the niche of the content which decides the best cpc for your ads.If you blog on low paying niches , you may not make big out of it.

Before finding Adsense High Paying Niche, Have a look on Adsense High Paying Keywords

Thursday 14 May 2015

10 Ways to Increase Adsense CPC With Simple Tweaks

If you are a blogger and Adsense is your prime source of revenue, you can’t afford to ignore the importance of Adsense optimization. When we talk about Adsense optimization, there are many things but the main target is to get high eCPM and get more Cost per click. Else, despite of good Adsense CTR, you might not be making good money. This is something very common about non-English blog. If you fall in the category of those adsense publishers, who are getting huge traffic but Adsense earning is still low, it’s time to understand points which are mentioned below and this will surely helps to increase Adsense CPC and overall revenue.

How to increase Google adsense RPM

What is RPM in Google Adsense?

RPM simply stands for Revenue Per Mille or in simple terms revenue per 1000 impressions. The higher your adsense RPM, the higher your earnings

RPM doesn’t represent how much you have actually earned; rather, it’s calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by the number of page views, impressions, or queries you received, then multiplying by 1000.

Let’s assume your RPM is $5, it means you will likely earn $5 for every 1000 ad impressions on your site. So if your site serves say 10,000 ad impressions daily, your actual earning will be $5 x 10 = $50 daily.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Easiest Way to Find High Paying Keywords for Google Adsense

If you are an Adsense Publisher, chances that you want to increase your earning through more clicks. Sometimes it happens that you have good CTR, I mean you are getting a good number clicks from Adsense but your estimated earning is low. For example, you got 40 clicks and your estimated earning was $0.77! It’s really an unexpected earning.

You aren’t responsible for this low earning. Actually Low CPC (Cost Per Click) is responsible for this. You might have noticed that Adsense shows Ads according to post contents mostly. Specifically we can say, Ads are related with post’s keywords. CPC is related with these keywords.

Friday 8 May 2015

Why Buying Traffic From Fiverr is Harmful

The title somewhat spoils where I’m going with this, but bear with me for a moment. Pretend you’re a young entrepreneur and you’re looking to start a web business. You read hundreds of articles and gather advice from dozens of colleagues, from old business owners to other young entrepreneurs. After months of preparation, you feel like you’re ready to go.

You hire a talented firm and design a website. You hire a few writers and gather up a backlog of content. You carefully research your niche. You gather a list of keywords for a PPC campaign. Everything is in place; all you need to do is gain traffic. You launch your site.

Thursday 7 May 2015

1,000,000 Top High Paying CPC, Adwords and Adsense Keywords for 2015

I always wanted to write one of these posts. I remember trawling the Internet for top paying Adsense keywords 8 years ago when I was building MFA sites. While that might not be en vogue any longer, I still thought it would be fun to produce a list. Here are the top 1000 from the Grepwords database, and at the bottom you will find a link to the top 1,000,000. Have fun!

Top 60 High Paying Google Adsense Keywords 2015

Google Adsense is the best way to make money online. Most Webmasters use this Ad network as their only way to generate income from their websites. But majority of them are tired of low CPC Rates.Even I in the beginning of my career, started wondering that sometimes I got many clicks, but still my earnings are low and sometimes only few clicks, but earnings are much higher. So, that time I wasn’t aware of the fact that, its about Keywords.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

CPA Marketing – How To Make Money With No Site, No Skill Nor Money

I know you would think this is unnecessary, but let’s just do it for the ones who don’t know what it is yet.

CPA marketing is when you make people take some action (e g. submit an email, or register an account etc.), and you get paid for that.

It’s pretty much the easiest way to make some quick cash online with little to no money to invest. You don’t have to be a guru to do it, neither do you have to run a site, although if you already have a site you will do better when it comes to CPA networks’ approval.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Make Money With Google AdSense

Interested in making money with Google?

Here's your complete guide to getting started along with some info on how to maximize your earnings, why some accounts are disabled and even alternatives to AdSense.

I'll even recommend what I believe is the best kind of theme to use for AdSense.

If you want to jump to the various sections, use the table of contents on the right.

What is Google AdSense?

AdSense is a nice way to monetize your traffic, and very easy to implement. It's one of my top earners and has been since 2003. earns most of its revenue by allowing other website owners to advertise on their search results pages.

All this is managed through a program they call AdWords (pay per click marketing).

You see these ads displayed above the free/organic results and along the right side of the page on

Get Your Cash Now

Get Your Cash Now is a blog that introduces different ways to earn money online, we will keep you updated on the earning methods and programs that can boost your earnings. Happy Earning!!